Birdwatching Wicklow

Wicklow Town is about an hour drive from Dublin and it is a harbour town on the East Coast. This is a busy harbour with commercial activities along with sailing, Rowing, Sea Angling and Sea Scouts. The harbour attracts gulls and divers and there is access to the pier. At the back of the harbour there is a headland with ruins of an old castle where you can look out over the shoreline.

The river runs through Wicklow Town and there are walks along both sides of the river. There is a pedestrian bridge so you can walk along both sides. This area provides a roosting area for gulls at low tide, as well as swans, ducks and plenty of feral pigeons!

There is also access to a coastal walk along the shoreline heading North.

Sat-Nav co-ordinates for parking at the harbour are 52.980461, -6.032993

Sat-Nav co-ordinates for parking at the river in the town are 52.982032, -6.041313 . This area has Pay & Display parking machines!

Sat-Nav co-ordinates for parking at the coastal walk are 52.983137, -6.042153 . This area also has Pay & Display Parking machines!

If you drive out of Wicklow Town and head for Dublin, you will come to a right hand turn for Tinakilly Lane, just 5 minutes from Wicklow. This leads you towards Tinakilly Country House. If it is not too busy you should be able to park your car and walk along the lane towards Broadlough. It is about a 15 minute walk. This gives you access to the Lough where you will see waders, gulls and occasional birds of prey. Parking co-ordinates are 52.995815, -6.068103

It is just a 20 minute drive from Wicklow Town to the East Coast Nature Reserve